Vaccine & Mask Bills
After taking a week off in Montgomery, legislators are back in session this week. They return on Tuesday 3/19/24.
There are 2 bills being heard in committee on Wednesday, 3/20/24, and we need you to take action!
✅HB 165 :
Rep. Chip Brown - R - Mobile Cty
This bill prohibits an unemancipated minor from consenting to vaccination without the written consent of a parent or legal guardian.
👏Health Freedom Alabama supports HB 165.
Currently, in Alabama, minors as young as 14 years old can make their own medical, dental and mental health decisions without the permission or knowledge of their parent or guardian.
In some instances, the age of consent for medical treatment is even as young as 12 years old! This runs contrary to the rights of parents to be involved in the care of their children.
👍HB 165 aims to correct a portion of the state’s minor consent laws to give parents the say-so.
This bill supports parental rights and requires a parent/guardian to provide written consent for their child to receive vaccinations while they are still a minor.
📢Please contact members of the Judiciary Committee today by phone/email and tell them to:
Please vote YES on HB 165. Also, please consider adding additional language to the bill that puts parents and guardians back in charge of ALL of their child's medical, dental and mental health treatment & decisions until they reach the age of 18.
📌House Judiciary Committee Members
Rep. Jim Hill: (334) 261-0494
Rep. Tim Wadsworth: (205) 300-4008
Rep. Christopher England: (334) 261-0503
Rep. Cynthia Almond: (334) 261-0558
Rep. Russell Bedsole: (334) 261-0491
Rep. Prince Chestnut: (334) 261-0598
Rep. David Faulkner: (334) 261-0442
Rep. Patrice McClammy: (334) 261-0580
Rep. Phillip Pettus: (334) 261-0591
Rep. Ben Robbins: (334) 261-0477
Rep. Matt Simpson: (334) 261-0424
Rep. David Standridge: (334) 261-0446
Rep. Jerry Starnes: (334) 261-0499
Rep. Shane Stringer: (334) 261-0594
Rep. Ontario Tillman: (334) 261-0529
Copy and paste the emails below to send the above message to the committee all at once.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Also, last week, Representative Chip Brown was interviewed about this bill by Dawn Richardson with Children’s Health Defense on CHD.TV.
You can watch the interview here which begins around the 10 minute mark.
Read the bill here.
HB 158 (previously known as HB 9):
Rep. Brock Colvin - R - Marshall Cty
Prohibits mask mandates by government entities and the state health officer but allows medical and dental facilities to mask you indefinitely.
Rep. Brock Colvin is carrying House Bill 158 which SUPPOSEDLY removes mask mandates in this state. But, there are some problems and we need you to take action.
This bill:
📌Prohibits governmental entities (including public K-12 schools or charter schools and the State Health Officer from imposing a face mask mandate to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This bill shall not apply to an order or mandate that relates to any facility providing medical or dental services.
❌ Only applies to COVID - The CDC is already preparing for "Disease X. " Do we want to be right back where we started when the next "plandemic" is released? There are innumerable studies that show that masks DO NOT WORK.
❌ Does not provide any freedom from mask mandates to our daycare, pre-K or college students.
❌ Will codify into law the ability for medical and dental facilities to permanently mask patients, visitors and employees as they continue with their infinite messaging and protocols on COVID.
Shockingly, we have even heard that Rep. Colvin is going to include an amendment that will allow all nursing schools to force mask their students❗️
This bill is a power grab by the medical establishment of this state who want to keep you under the thumb of medical tyranny indefinitely.
Health Freedom Alabama maintains that ALL CITIZENS of Alabama deserve to breathe freely from any mask mandate.
Does Rep. Colvin know the meaning of FREEDOM❓❗️
👉We think that he needs to be reminded.
📢 You can take action in 3 ways:
1️⃣ Call Rep. Colvin today at: 256-582-0619 and/or 334-261-0438
Tell him:
Your bill, HB158, does not protect the rights of ALL Alabama citizens. All people should be able to live free of mask mandates. This bill should simply say: "No person has the right to impose a mask mandate upon the person of another." Do not allow carve outs in this bill and add a penalty for those who violate this law. Stand strong for FREEDOM for ALL Alabama citizens and do not cave to the COVID crazy medical establishment.
2️⃣ Email the above statement to Rep. Colvin today at
3. This bill will be heard in the House Health Committee on Wednesday. Call and email members of the Health Committee today and tell them:
HB 158 does not protect the rights of ALL Alabama citizens. All people should be able to live free of mask mandates. This bill should simply say: "No person has the right to impose a mask mandate upon the person of another." Do not allow carve outs in this bill and add a penalty for those who violate this law. Stand strong for FREEDOM for ALL Alabama citizens and do not cave to the COVID crazy medical establishment.
Rep. Paul W. Lee: 334-261-0488
Rep. Craig Lipscomb: 334-261-0546
Rep. Laura Hall: 334-261-0517
Rep. Phillip Rigsby: 334-261-0514
Rep. Arnold Mooney: 334-261-9512
Rep. Neil Rafferty: 334-261-0543
Rep. Pebblin W. Warren: 334-261-0541
Rep. Jeremy Gray: 334-261-9505
Rep. Jeff Sorrells: 334-261-0542
Rep. Rhett Marques: 334-261-0473
Rep. Susan DuBose: 334-261-0527
Rep. Frances Holk-Jones: 334-261-0523
Rep. Mark Shirey: 334-261-0563
Rep. Bryan Brinyark: 334-261-0482
Copy and paste the emails below to send the above message to the entire Committee all at once.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Read the bill here.