The Tar & Feather Award
There are some law makers out there that seek to destroy liberty and freedom. These law makers must be called out for their actions against the people of Alabama. Hold them accountable where ever you find them. If you see a lawmaker shamefully bowing to the pressure of the medical establishment and against the health freedoms of our Alabama citizens, let us know! Fill out the nomination form below to nominate the legislator who is the WORST for Health Freedom in Alabama.
*Disclaimer: Health Freedom Alabama does not endorse any violence against any lawmakers.
Rep. Phillip Pettus is telling constituents that he is "pro-health freedom" because he voted for SB9. Hearing this is coming from one of the "Shameful Eight" who REMOVED his name as a co-sponsor from HB31 is even more proof that he is delusional....or maybe he's just bought and paid for by a certain special interest group who strongly opposed HB31.
Campaign contributions made by the Business Council of Alabama (ProgressPAC) for $5,000 around the time he removed his name as a co-sponsor of HB31 speak strongly to the latter but, most likely, both apply.
Many legislators are touting their vote for SB9 as proof of their commitment to protecting health freedom but we all know that SB9 did NOTHING new that didn't already exist within the law. #SmokeAndMirrors Furthermore, SB9 has no penalties for employers who continue to deny exemptions, it doesn't prevent discrimination or differential treatment based on vaccine status, and it's a law that can be rescinded next year!
It's time for another TAR & FEATHER AWARD!
Since July 2021, Rep. Paul Lee has received $92,800 in campaign contributions from out of state Big Business Lobbyists/PACs & BIG Pharma, including Pfizer and Merck. Only 8 individuals have donated to his campaign for a total of $3,900. Is it any wonder that he uses his role as the chairman of the House Health Committee to block the SIX different health freedom bills that were placed in his committee this session alone?
Is he really a man of the Houston County people OR does he belong to big PHARMA? His role in blocking health freedom legislation reflects the latter and that is why he is getting the Health Freedom Alabama Tar & Feather Award.
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.
Rep. Ed Oliver (Tallapoosa, Coosa, & Chilton Counties) has officially gone above and beyond the typical bad political behavior we've seen from our other Tar & Feather awardees. He may not be our most prominent awardee but he is absolutely deserving of this award for his outrageous and shameful behavior. Here's why...
1️⃣ On January 13th, the day of our #HoldTheLine Rally, Rep. Ed Oliver behaved like an enraged hot head as he lunged at an Alabama citizen with a clenched fist.
Oliver became enraged in the halls of the State House after some Alabama citizens questioned why he removed his name from the Alabama Health Freedom Act, HB31, which would prevent discrimination based upon vaccination status. Numerous eye witnesses stated that Oliver told them that he believes an employer should be able to discriminate against anyone because it's their business and they can do what they want.
If it were not for the security officer holding Rep. Oliver back from assaulting Alabama citizens, Oliver would have turned a verbal spat into a dirty brawl in the halls of the Alabama State House. He even challenged a citizen by saying "Let's go back to the parking lot!"
2️⃣ To add insult to injury, Rep. Ed Oliver is one of the shameless legislators who used an administrative rule to remove his name as co-sponsor from HB31. Ironically, he also received a large campaign contribution from the TRUK PAC (they openly oppose HB31) around the time he removed his name as co-sponsor. Since that time he has received large campaign contributions from other groups opposed to HB31 such as the Alabama Hospital Association PAC, Retailers of Alabama Political Action Committee, and the infamous Progress PAC (aka Business Council of Alabama). You can access all of the information for campaign contributions on the AL Secretary of State's website.
❌Health Freedom Alabama will NOT tolerate this kind of behavior from legislators - especially towards the Alabama citizens for whom they are supposed to represent. We will hold them accountable. We will make sure you know when your legislators are not doing the work of the people. Rep. Oliver's behavior is an embarrassment to the Alabama legislature and is shameful to the citizens of Alabama.
👉 SHARE this information everywhere. The people of Alabama - especially those in Rep. Oliver's district - need to be aware of this behavior.
👉 CALL/EMAIL Speaker Mac McCutcheon and demand that Rep. Oliver be reprimanded and censored for his astonishing behavior towards Alabama citizens while in the State House. Oliver's actions should never be tolerated by leadership and any other legislator who acts in a similar manner should have to answer for the same.
Speaker Mac McCutcheon's email:
Phone number ---> (334) 261-0505 or (256) 539-5441
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.
Drum roll please....
It is time for us to announce our first "Tar & Feather Award"! We debated over who should receive this award first since there are many elected officials who are worthy of it. In the end, we decided the first award should go to the one and only, Governor Kay Ivey.
She earned this award for working AGAINST health freedom for Alabama citizens. Some examples include, but are certainly not limited to:
Refusing to include vaccine related bills in the call for not one but TWO different special sessions.
Issuing a "smoke and mirrors" executive order to appear as if she did something meaningful for the people of Alabama. She left Alabama employees out in the storm to fend for themselves.
Allowing schools to force masks upon our children and never once acknowledged parental rights in this matter.
We will never forget her claim of "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated."
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.
Our second awardee for today is equally worthy of the Tar & Feather Award, LT. GOVERNOR WILL AINSWORTH/
The Lt. Gov. is the second highest elected official in command in Alabama. If the Governor fails to serve for any reason (death, resignation, etc.), the Lt. Governor steps up to fill that position until the next election. Not only is the Lt. Gov second in command of the executive branch of government here in Alabama, this legislative branch position also serves as President of the Senate, which is the highest ranking member of the Senate Chamber. Given the failures of Gov. Kay Ivey to protect Alabama citizens from employer mandated vaccines and the illegal federal orders regarding vaccines, the opportunity for Lt. Gov. Ainsworth to step up to bat to protect Alabamians was ripe for the picking - and he failed us.
Lt. Gov. Ainsworth has often been very vocal about his opposition to the Biden orders/mandates. He has equally been critical of Gov. Ivey's orders regarding the shutting down of businesses, masks, and more. Even so, he has proven time and time again that he is ALL talk and NO action. Senator Orr carried a very similar version of the Alabama Health Freedom Act (given a different name) in the Senate for us, known as SB13. While that bill was not filed until the special session began, the Lt. Governor's office actually had a copy of the Alabama Health Freedom Act just days after it was prefiled for the regular session in October. His office received and reviewed that legislation before most legislators, media outlets, and opposition even had the opportunity to read it.
There were at least SIX different vaccine related bills filed in the Senate. The ONLY bills to get a hearing were Sen. Elliott's SB9 and Sen. Orr's SB15. BUT, HFA was told on the Friday after the session started that SB13 would be included in the committee hearing that would take place that following Monday. However, on Saturday, we were told that "leadership" decided not to move forward with our senate version of the Alabama Health Freedom Act (SB13) and instead wanted to focus on SB9 and SB15. As the leader of the Senate, Lt. Gov. Ainsworth absolutely played a role in that decision that prevented a good bill (that would have protected ALL Alabama citizens from vaccine mandates and discrimination based on immunization status) from moving forward. Instead, they chose to go with smoke and mirror bills that did the bare minimum.
On that last day of the session, both SB9 and SB15 were sent to conference committees to negotiate the final terms of the bills. HFA overheard a lobbyist earlier that day telling a legislator to ensure those bills did not pass and that they go to conference committee. The lobbyist allluded to the idea that 'If they (the legislators) couldn't kill those bills on the floor of the House and Senate, that they (the lobbyist) could gut them in conference committee.'
This exact thing happened and would not have taken place without leadership conspiring with those special interest groups.
Lt. Gov. Ainsworth intends to run for re-election. Do you trust him to do better next time?
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.
The next recipient of the Tar & Feather Award is Speaker Mac McCutcheon.
Mac McCutcheon is the Speaker of the House and is therefore the head of the House of Representatives. He is the ultimate authority on all business conducted in the House of Representatives. Before the special session even began, supporters of HFA flooded Speaker McCutcheon with over 1,000 post cards and thousands of emails with one simple request, support the Alabama Health Freedom Act and leave a legacy of freedom and liberty instead of a legacy of taxes and tyranny. We all know which route he chose. Let's review what led us to awarding him with the Tar & Feather Award...
📍As the leader of the House, Speaker McCutcheon has the ability to make or break a piece of legislation. If he supports it and wants it to pass, he absolutely has the authority and ability to, at the least, get a bill before the entire House body for a vote. He failed and refused to do this for the Alabama Health Freedom Act - the bill the people of Alabama made very clear they wanted.
📍The Speaker assigns representatives to certain committees and appoints one per committee to be the chairman. It is well known that the Speaker will direct a chairman to do as he says - and if he wants a bill to get a hearing and a vote, all he has to do is direct the chairman to ensure it. Failure of a chairman to comply could lead to a loss of their position as chair since the speaker has the authority to appoint AND remove committee positions. Committee positions, especially one that includes a leadership role, are coveted in politics.
📍There were at least FIVE different vaccine related bills filed in the House for the special session. Note that NONE of them were ever given a committee hearing. One can blame other legislators for this but all roads lead back to leadership - Speaker McCutcheon. The House of Representatives sat on their hands and waited for the Senate to pass something before they chose to take any action on vaccine related bills. Once SB9 and SB15 did come down from the Senate to the House, the Speaker placed those bill is the infamous Rep. Paul Lee's Health Committee. That was one way to ensure that the Health Freedom Act never made an appearance for any reason.
📍 Speaker McCutcheon had more than a month to prepare for passage of the Alabama Health Freedom Act. He had 6 days to figure out a way to get a vote on the Alabama Health Freedom Act. He had every opportunity and the absolute authority to give the Alabama Health Freedom Act an opportunity to get a hearing and vote.
➡️ In summary, Speaker McCutcheon could have risen to the occasion. He could have stood in the gap WITH us. Instead, he bowed to the pressure of the special interest groups who seek to ensure they keep their employees in chains and bound to employer mandates that violate bodily autonomy, informed consent/refusal, and our overall freedoms and liberties as individuals.
While Speaker McCutcheon does not intend to run for re-election, he will preside over the House for his last regular session - which begins in January.
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.
Our next awardee not only slept on the job but single-handedly led to the demise of SB13 that would have provided protection from vaccine mandates for ALL Alabama citizens and protected Alabama businesses from federal orders/fines. As you can see from the images below, our next Tar & Feather Award goes to the one and only....
He represents portions of the following counties: Baldwin, Clarke, Escambia, Monroe, & Washington.
Let's talk a little more about Sen. Albritton's failures that led to this award.……
Sen. Albritton is the chairman of the ONLY committee that met in the senate during the 2nd special session. As chairman, all bills filed during the special session HAD to come through his committee or they would never receive a vote of any kind. Being a chairman of a committee gives you the authority to pick and choose which bills will get a hearing and/or a vote. Senator Albritton administratively killed SB13 by refusing to allow it to come before his committee. We were told SB13 would get a vote and then told the very next day that "leadership" did not want to pursue SB13. Instead, he chose SB9 & SB15 to address the BARE MINIMUM issues so that he did not ruffle the feathers of the big money special interest groups. He went even further and did not call for a public hearing on SB9 & SB15. Instead, he only called for a meeting of the committee and gave the public no opportunity to voice our concerns/opposition to those two bills.
To add insult to injury, while the senate was in session Senator Albritton decided to take a nap. The senators were actively debating bills and handling business within the chamber while Sen. Albritton slept. You cannot fully represent your constituents and vote on a bill in good conscience when you are unconscious. How can he know what he's voting on when he cannot possibly know what is going on or understand the ins and outs of an issue when he clocked out?
Senator Albritton has to do better. Help us make sure he is aware of his award by emailing him a copy at the following email addresses:
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.
We've been waiting for the right time to release our next Tar & Feather Award and TODAY IS THE DAY!
INTRODUCING our next Tar & Feather Award recipient....
Senator Elliott earned this award for many reasons which include, but are not limited to...
* Ignoring the will of the people who demanded HB31, The Alabama Health Freedom Act;
* For instead working to pass SB9, which was a bill that provided NO penalties for violators and provided NO further protection for Alabama Citizens than was already allowable by federal law;
* And for conspiring with lobbyists to cater to the wants and needs of the BCA and other big interest groups who want to keep Alabamians in chains with the employers holding the key.
It is important to note that HFA became aware that Senator Elliott intended to file SB9 on the day the special session began on 10-28-2021 . We met with him before he filed his bill to make sure he understood that his bill was NOT a solution, that it was NOT innovative in its approach, and that SB9 very well could cause more problems than the solutions he intended to create. Senator Elliott was committed in his approach and our words fell on deaf ears. Needless to say, we are seeing those exact issues that we warned him of and now HE must lay in the bed he has made.
Make sure you call his office and tell him all about his award. He can be reached at:
(251) 990-4615 and
(334) 261-0897
#alpolitics #TarAndFeather #SenatorChrisElliott #ShamelessSenator
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.