The Tar & Feather Award
There are some law makers out there that seek to destroy liberty and freedom. These law makers must be called out for their actions against the people of Alabama. Hold them accountable where ever you find them. If you see a lawmaker shamefully bowing to the pressure of the medical establishment and against the health freedoms of our Alabama citizens, let us know! Fill out the nomination form below to nominate the legislator who is the WORST for Health Freedom in Alabama.
*Disclaimer: Health Freedom Alabama does not endorse any violence against any lawmakers.
Rep. Phillip Pettus is telling constituents that he is "pro-health freedom" because he voted for SB9. Hearing this is coming from one of the "Shameful Eight" who REMOVED his name as a co-sponsor from HB31 is even more proof that he is delusional....or maybe he's just bought and paid for by a certain special interest group who strongly opposed HB31.
Campaign contributions made by the Business Council of Alabama (ProgressPAC) for $5,000 around the time he removed his name as a co-sponsor of HB31 speak strongly to the latter but, most likely, both apply.
Many legislators are touting their vote for SB9 as proof of their commitment to protecting health freedom but we all know that SB9 did NOTHING new that didn't already exist within the law. #SmokeAndMirrors Furthermore, SB9 has no penalties for employers who continue to deny exemptions, it doesn't prevent discrimination or differential treatment based on vaccine status, and it's a law that can be rescinded next year!
It's time for another TAR & FEATHER AWARD!
Since July 2021, Rep. Paul Lee has received $92,800 in campaign contributions from out of state Big Business Lobbyists/PACs & BIG Pharma, including Pfizer and Merck. Only 8 individuals have donated to his campaign for a total of $3,900. Is it any wonder that he uses his role as the chairman of the House Health Committee to block the SIX different health freedom bills that were placed in his committee this session alone?
Is he really a man of the Houston County people OR does he belong to big PHARMA? His role in blocking health freedom legislation reflects the latter and that is why he is getting the Health Freedom Alabama Tar & Feather Award.
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.
We've been waiting for the right time to release our next Tar & Feather Award and TODAY IS THE DAY!
INTRODUCING our next Tar & Feather Award recipient....
Senator Elliott earned this award for many reasons which include, but are not limited to...
* Ignoring the will of the people who demanded HB31, The Alabama Health Freedom Act;
* For instead working to pass SB9, which was a bill that provided NO penalties for violators and provided NO further protection for Alabama Citizens than was already allowable by federal law;
* And for conspiring with lobbyists to cater to the wants and needs of the BCA and other big interest groups who want to keep Alabamians in chains with the employers holding the key.
It is important to note that HFA became aware that Senator Elliott intended to file SB9 on the day the special session began on 10-28-2021 . We met with him before he filed his bill to make sure he understood that his bill was NOT a solution, that it was NOT innovative in its approach, and that SB9 very well could cause more problems than the solutions he intended to create. Senator Elliott was committed in his approach and our words fell on deaf ears. Needless to say, we are seeing those exact issues that we warned him of and now HE must lay in the bed he has made.
Make sure you call his office and tell him all about his award. He can be reached at:
(251) 990-4615 and
(334) 261-0897
#alpolitics #TarAndFeather #SenatorChrisElliott #ShamelessSenator
We do not endorse or condone any violence against anyone - ever.