Help Stop Vax Mandates already imposed on Foster Families

The Legislative session ramps back up today after being out for spring break last week and we have some important work to do.

Did you know that vaccine mandates are imposed on families who want to foster or adopt children in AL through DHR? These overreaching rules require potential foster parents, with little to no regard for religious exemptions, to subject their own children in the home to the COVID vaccine (among others).

We believe this is wrong.

With over 5,700 children in foster care in AL and only 2,300 foster homes, discriminatory and shameful vaccine policies should not be a barrier to getting children into loving homes.

Why should foster/adoptive families be free from vaccine mandates? You need to know that pharma is starting to reformulate many vaccines, including some on the childhood vaccine schedule, to operate on the dangerous MRNA platform just like the COVID vax. The flu vaccine, which DHR also requires of their foster families, is being reformulated in this same way as we speak. Soon, the “old childhood vaccines” will be replaced by the ones using only MRNA technology. Considering this alarming information, foster/adoptive families should be free to make these decisions for their biological children with their doctor and not because DHR mandates them to do so.

The good news is that in less than 2 minutes, YOU can help us stop this heartless DHR policy and be a voice for children who are forced into residential institutions because there are not enough foster or adoptive homes.

Contact Senator Orr’s office at (334) 261-0758 or (256) 260-2146 and leave this message:

“Senator Orr, you have a chance to be a hero to thousands of children left without a family in Alabama. Please add an important amendment to your Adoption Bill that will stop all vaccine mandates by DHR on foster/adoptive families.”

You can also email Senator Orr and copy/paste the same message at the following address:

If you live in his district, make sure that you tell him when you call or email that you are one of his constituents. The district map is below.

Thank you for taking action to protect foster and adoptive families from vaccine mandates. The winners of this policy will be the ones who have no voice, our most vulnerable foster children.


Take Action To Pass A Law To Stop Mask Mandates on our Children Once & For All
